Frequently Asked Questions
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What kind of writing does WLG publish?
We are looking for authors, writing in English, who live here in America and experience America in all its complexities. Our focus is on contemporary voices that capture the diverse experiences and perspectives of life in America today.
Why should you choose to publish with WLG?
Because you feel you have a voice you want and know should be heard. It might be subtle voice or a loud one! But what you write matters to you and know deep down it should matter to others. You want to open minds and hearts - grow them emotionally and intellectually.
WLG can get your work out to the market quickly because we use Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing for hardbacks, paperbacks, and ebooks.
We will also do all the marketing and promotion to help get your voice into the hands of readers.
Who owns the copyright?
You do! WLG is not interested in amassing copyrights. We are interested in making an impact on readers and writing. We hope you stay with us and we'll work hard to make you a happy author, but you can always leave anytime and take your work with you.
What is the royalty rate?
At Westbrae Literary Group, we believe in providing fair compensation to our authors. When you choose to publish with us, you can expect transparent royalty rates that ensure you retain the majority of the earnings from your book sales. We'll use most of the percentage coming to WLG for promoting your book. Here’s how our royalty system works:
Royalty Rates Overview — an example of a 100-page paperback, 5×8 trim size.
  • List Price: $17.99
  • Printing Cost: $2.30
  • Amazon Royalty Rate: 60%
  • Your Earnings: $8.49 ($17.99 × 60% - $2.30)
  • Westbrae Fee (20%): $1.70
  • Your Final Royalty: $6.79
  1. Expanded Distribution (Other Retailers)
  • Royalty Rate: 40%
  • Your Earnings: $4.90
  • Westbrae Fee (20%): $0.98
  • Your Final Royalty: $3.92
How does my work actually get published?
We use Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing. It's just so fast and efficient. It is print on demand but the books look great and can arrive to a reader within 48 after of ordering.